Monday by Alex Dimitrov
Doesn’t it bother you sometimes
what living is, what the day has turned into?
So many screens and meetings
and things to be late for.
Everyone truly deserves
a flute of champagne
for having made it this far!
Though it’s such a disaster
to drink on a Monday.
I posted this poem to my Instagram story earlier this week. It generated quite a response. I don’t usually get that many DMs. It is an excerpt of a longer poem that was published in The New Yorker.
The full poem is lovely. But this excerpt! It speaks volumes of where we are currently in our collective experience. There are so many horrible things happening in the world and our country. We read about them on our phones in between meetings and other things we are late for. We are in limbo with the virus – where some parts of our lives have returned to normal but we wonder how safe it is to leave our homes even when armed with vaccines and masks and hand sanitizer. We deserve flutes of champagne, even on a Monday!
I’m entering a new phase of my life. I’m excited to tell you about it soon. Until then, friends, drink a flute of champagne and celebrate the goodness of our lives.
Even if it’s on a Monday. We deserve it.
What goodness in your life are you celebrating?
Email me at [email protected] or connect with me on Instagram at @drkimburns.
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