Dr. Kim Burns

The Benefits of Reflection

self aware consultant in higher ed

After working remotely since March 2020, Juniper Networks recently welcomed 600 employees back to their Westford office to begin a hybrid work schedule. I had the privilege of contributing to their Welcome Back Week activities with a Welcome Back Walk. The purpose of the walk was to reflect on the experience of working from home, […]

Brave & Bold Leadership Group Coaching Program

group of admin in higher ed

At one point while working from home at the height of the pandemic, I had an overflowing inbox, and a long task list, and for some reason every member of my family was in my home office needing something from me (including the dog). It was just too much. I was taking care of everyone […]

The Struggle Is Real

stressed admin in higher ed

Women everywhere are struggling. You may have heard of the women in Boston who gathered for a collective primal scream. I get it. This sucks. Women faced gender-based barriers at work before the pandemic. Now, everything is just so much more difficult. I have such deep empathy for all women, especially for moms of young […]

Use (and practice) your personal scripts

higher ed admin being coached

“Let me think about that and get back to you.” “That’s interesting. Let me look into that.” “Let me look at my calendar before I commit to that.” Personal scripts are phrases you have developed, and practiced in advance, that you use when you need to say something but you are unprepared to address the […]