Dr. Kim Burns

Nurture Your Inner and Outer Beauty

pampered higher ed administrators

Could you use a little pampering? Are you craving a moment of serenity?  I’m delighted to announce that I am partnering with Beauty Consultant Liz Sullivan and Certified HeartSong teacher Kathleen McDonald to offer a mini-retreat for women on Saturday, February 27 from 9-11:30 am EST. This mini-retreat is for women who do so much […]

Doomscrolling Diet

LinkedIn logo on phone

I consume most of my social media on my phone. I check Facebook occasionally to catch up on the posts of family and friends. I follow numerous dogs on Instagram. Twitter is where I doomscroll. I follow mostly politicians, policy wonks, educators, and news sites on Twitter. On good days, the tweets are inspiring, insightful, […]

Goal Setting in a Pandemic

connecting online with higher ed admin

My last post was about a few of my favorite productivity tools. I love that stuff. I read books about productivity. I follow the topic on social media. I listen to podcasts. I tinker with apps. I’m always trying to learn new ways to streamline my habits. That is just the nerd that I am.  […]

Productivity Tools

eisenhower matrix task management for higher ed admin

I facilitated a productivity workshop for a lovely group of staff last week. As I was preparing, it was fun to revisit some of my favorite productivity tools. These include the Eisenhower Matrix, the three most important things, Post-it notes, and time blocking. I will describe them for you.  If you’ve attended a workshop on […]

Grace Over Guilt

a higher ed admin consultant's sign post

At the end of each month, I use my PowerSheets to reflect on my goals and plan the upcoming four weeks. The monthly review includes the prompt, “I am choosing grace over guilt about . . . ” I’ve always associated the word grace with religion and it normally would not be a part of […]


higher ed admins coach's paper reads "breathe"

In late December, I committed myself to Breath: A 30-day Yoga Journey with Yoga by Adrienne. I started strong on January 2 and completed 4 days in a row. Then 2021 tried to outdo its 2020 cousin, and I took a hiatus to digest the national news and eat ice cream. Now I am back […]

New Beginnings

higher ed consultant in downtime having a lazy day

Since last Wednesday afternoon I have: Tomorrow is a new day, dearies. Grab The Guidebook A resource for women working in higher education who want to rise above the noise and increase their confidence and impact at work. First name Email address DOWNLOAD NOW Thank you for subscribing!

Five-Year Journal

Journals for higher ed leadership admin

Have you ever discovered something and then you see it everywhere? That’s what happened when I learned about the five-year journal. I heard Katie Linder mention it in one of her podcasts and then I heard about it in other podcasts and articles. How can it be that it took me this long to discover […]

Reflection and Planning Tools For Higher Education Leaders

reflecting on past academic year in higher ed

Reflection Tools For Higher Ed Leaders Anyone who has spent a New Year’s Eve with me knows I enjoy reflecting on the past year. I (gently) nudge whoever I’m with to fill out a homemade worksheet with prompts about the past year. When the boys were little, the prompts included favorites like snacks, toys, games, […]

Pandemic Holidays

holiday ornaments for higher ed consultant

Holidays were different this year For the first time, we celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with just the four of us. We were without the rituals and traditions that provide structure and set expectations for how we celebrate holidays as a family. I was determined to maintain some of our holiday traditions and create new ones […]