Celebrating International Coaching Week with Coaching Tools: The Wheel of Life

It’s Day #2 of International Coaching Week! Today I want to share a tool that is often used at the beginning of a coaching engagement, the Wheel of Life. This tool asks you to reflect on different aspects of your life and assign a satisfaction score. When you are ready to engage with the tool, […]
Exercise vs. anything else

Right now, I wouldn’t call myself an athlete. Between Halloween and Easter, I’m more of a chocolate and cookie fan. During this current COVID spike, my anxiety is quelled with sugar. I’ve had athletic periods in my life, for sure I played sports in high school. I’ve done boot camps with friends. I joined Curves […]
It’s chill week

Do you know what day it is? Are you wearing pjs past noon? Are you still working through all the sweets that you accumulated during the holidays? Author Helena Fitzgerald wrote an article in The Atlantic describing the week between Christmas and New Year’s as a dead week. She writes, Christmas is over and we […]
No one completely has their sh*t together

I’ve been repeating this all week in different online and IRL (in real life) spaces. In this season of holiday photo cards and idyllic social media posts, it’s easy to think that everyone else has things figured out while you plod along. It’s not true. While we all have different levels of confidence – depending […]
Do you have an Honor Roll Hangover?

I was once told by a respected colleague that I was responsive and accountable to a fault. The comment made me chuckle. I take pride in dotting all of my i’s and crossing all the t’s (and just to prove this point, I will admit that I just consulted an online dictionary to confirm there […]
Please take care of your mental health

It’s okay to work with a therapist. It’s okay to take medication for depression and anxiety. It’s okay to grieve. It’s okay to fully feel your emotions. We are still living through a pandemic and all of the uncertainties it brings. Structural inequality has not gone away. Grab The Guidebook A resource for women working […]
What if we summered like Europeans?

I saw this meme recently and it got me thinking about how relentless we are when it comes to work. I just returned from a week of local travel. I know I will be a more creative and productive employee when I return to work because I took time off. My brain and my body […]
Nurture Your Inner and Outer Beauty Mini-Retreat

In February, I partnered with Beauty Consultant Liz Sullivan and HeartSong Teacher and performing artist Kathleen McDonald to offer a Saturday morning retreat for women who need some “me” time. I knew I had found my calling because I could not stop smiling. Like, my face hurt I was smiling so much. Being in the […]
Say Yes to Rest

Over the weekend I read a New York Times article about pandemic fatigue. The author cited recent studies and polls of people across the country who were experiencing a lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating, and “an unpleasant cocktail of boredom, dread, and exhaustion.” It resonated. Despite a fairly consistent level of productivity, it still felt […]
Not-so-modern medicine

On Friday, I had a birthday-related medical procedure. If you are of a certain age, you know what I am referring to and you know how awful it is. Despite the awfulness, I am awed by the miracle that is modern medicine. I left the facility (It wasn’t a hospital. It wasn’t a clinic. It […]