
I can’t wait to eat in a restaurant. Hug my parents. See my friends. I miss being on campus. But, I don’t miss my commute. I wonder, how anxious am I going to feel congregating in groups? Have I lost my in-person social skills? Wait, am I going to have to wear dress pants again? […]
You are wonderful.

I am in the fortunate position of having people in my life who regularly tell me I am wonderful. If you have any of these humans in your life, hang onto them tightly. Sometimes when I’m told this, I ask for specifics. It is helpful to know how my words and actions impact people. Grab […]
Nurture Your Inner and Outer Beauty

Could you use a little pampering? Are you craving a moment of serenity? I’m delighted to announce that I am partnering with Beauty Consultant Liz Sullivan and Certified HeartSong teacher Kathleen McDonald to offer a mini-retreat for women on Saturday, February 27 from 9-11:30 am EST. This mini-retreat is for women who do so much […]
Doomscrolling Diet

I consume most of my social media on my phone. I check Facebook occasionally to catch up on the posts of family and friends. I follow numerous dogs on Instagram. Twitter is where I doomscroll. I follow mostly politicians, policy wonks, educators, and news sites on Twitter. On good days, the tweets are inspiring, insightful, […]
Goal Setting in a Pandemic

My last post was about a few of my favorite productivity tools. I love that stuff. I read books about productivity. I follow the topic on social media. I listen to podcasts. I tinker with apps. I’m always trying to learn new ways to streamline my habits. That is just the nerd that I am. […]

In late December, I committed myself to Breath: A 30-day Yoga Journey with Yoga by Adrienne. I started strong on January 2 and completed 4 days in a row. Then 2021 tried to outdo its 2020 cousin, and I took a hiatus to digest the national news and eat ice cream. Now I am back […]