Reflections on my first year as a coach & consultant

A Year of Growth in Higher Education It’s my anniversary! On September 3, 2021, I wrote in my journal that it was the first day of the rest of my life. My friends treated me to mimosas and breakfast. It was time to officially launch my new life as a full-time coach and consultant. This […]
Reflection questions for the liminal space of late August

The Importance of Career Reflection in Higher Ed Here in New England, we are in this liminal space that is late August. Schools and colleges aren’t yet holding classes, but they soon will be. Target’s back-to-school supply shelves are picked over. The malls and outlets are packed. Most K-12 districts will start soon and many […]
Celebrating International Coaching Week with Coaching Tools: Goals Tool

Goal Setting Resource for Higher Ed Professionals Spring is a great time to reflect on your goals and plan for the second half of the calendar year. If you work in education, it’s a great time to reflect on the past academic year, sets goals for next year, and plan for rest and renewal over […]
Celebrating International Coaching Week with Coaching Tools: The Eisenhower Matrix

Time Management Resource for Higher Ed Professionals Have you ever felt robotic when you hear the ping of your inbox and, without even thinking, you stop what you are doing to check it out? It’s a modern version of Pavlov’s dogs. Or, do you ever respond to emails because it gives you a feeling of […]
Celebrating International Coaching Week with Coaching Tools: The Wheel of Life

It’s Day #2 of International Coaching Week! Today I want to share a tool that is often used at the beginning of a coaching engagement, the Wheel of Life. This tool asks you to reflect on different aspects of your life and assign a satisfaction score. When you are ready to engage with the tool, […]
It’s chill week

Do you know what day it is? Are you wearing pjs past noon? Are you still working through all the sweets that you accumulated during the holidays? Author Helena Fitzgerald wrote an article in The Atlantic describing the week between Christmas and New Year’s as a dead week. She writes, Christmas is over and we […]
No one completely has their sh*t together

I’ve been repeating this all week in different online and IRL (in real life) spaces. In this season of holiday photo cards and idyllic social media posts, it’s easy to think that everyone else has things figured out while you plod along. It’s not true. While we all have different levels of confidence – depending […]
What I am grateful for right now

November is a time when many of us reflect on what we are grateful for. In addition to being a tradition during this time of year, there is evidence that practicing gratitude enhances our long-term happiness, increases our emotional well-being, improves our relationships, and improves our effectiveness at work. With this in mind, I thought […]
Are you a multipotentialite?

A multi what? Multi-potential-ite. A multipotentialite is a person who has many interests and creative pursuits In How to be Everything, Emilie Wapnick talks about how people with lots of different interests don’t fit into the traditional career framework of specializing in one thing. I’m energized because I didn’t know there was a positive identity […]
Summer is over: An update on my summer goals

Summer is my favorite season. The warm weather, the time spent outdoors, the change of pace, time at the beach. What isn’t to love about summer? In a blog post from late June, I shared my summer goals. As I say goodbye to my favorite season, I thought I would provide an update on my […]