Summer is my favorite season. The warm weather, the time spent outdoors, the change of pace, time at the beach. What isn’t to love about summer?
In a blog post from late June, I shared my summer goals. As I say goodbye to my favorite season, I thought I would provide an update on my progress:
- Read 7 books – crushed it!
I already reached my annual goal of reading 35 books. Much of that progress was accomplished this summer. I read 20 books! I’ve really embraced audiobooks. Often I will have 1-3 physical or Kindle books started and also be listening to an audiobook. I listen to audiobooks in the car and in the evening when I’m doing dishes and laundry. You can read more about what I’m reading by following me on Goodreads or signing up for my newsletter. - Coach 10 hours – crushed it!
I coached 20 hours this summer! My clients are building confidence and gaining clarity on their goals. They are truly amazing. It is an honor to work with them. I have 95 of the 100 required to apply for certification. Stayed tuned for my progress in achieving ICF certification as an Associate Certified Coach.
- Go to Crane Beach five times – done!
Crane Beach is my favorite beach. Managed by The Trustees, it is a model for how to offer public spaces balanced with the conservation of important habitats. Plus, their facilities are always clean and their store is fantastic! (I discovered the local company Farm & Sea. Check out their Saltwater Roll-on Perfume. I’ve been wearing it all summer and it is divine). What was different this year was that I went to Crane’s twice in September. No one who works in education gets to have a beach day in September, so I felt very special going twice. - Grow tomatoes & basil – done, with improvements needed
We are learning the nuances of container gardening. We learned, for instance, to put only one tomato plant in each pot and not double them up. Our challenge this year was all the rain. The plants barely dried out before the next rain storm came. We did enjoy homemade salsa, though, and super sweet orange cherry tomatoes. The basil did really well. I honestly think someone should make a basil scented perfume. - Bake – not as much as I would have liked
I made a peach pie in August. I’ll definitely bake in October because there are so many things to make with local apples. - Watch fireworks – done!
Fourth of July fireworks in Pepperell are the best! - Eat in restaurants – yes!
We ate outdoors in several restaurants – at least twice at Forge & Vine in Groton (my favorite) and several at the Cape. We are so appreciative of eating in restaurants after not being able to last year. - Improve my golf game – yes!
Golf lessons are finally paying off! My last two rounds resulted in my best scores ever plus my first birdie!!! - Canoe & ride bikes – not enough
My husband and I have only been out on the canoe once and our bikes twice. I have been lucky to get out on the bike path with a friend the past couple of weeks. Hopefully we will have some nice days in October to get out on the water and the bike path. - Clean a room in the attic & a room in the basement – grace over guilt
I’ve been prioritizing time outdoors, so these cleaning projects will have to wait until the winter months. - Enjoy sitting in our new rocking chairs on our deck – yes!
We often eat our lunch on our rocking chairs. Occasionally hummingbirds would buzz by our heads on their way to the feeder. - Have a personal planning retreat – grace over guilt
The past month has been a whirlwind. Hoping to get to this soon so I can finish the prep work in my PowerSheets.

As I think about what I accomplished this summer, I’m pleased with my progress. I don’t usually accomplish everything that I set out to in a season, and that’s where grace over guilt comes in. What needs to get done will get done. I also prioritized rest due to burnout from a challenging year. Rest takes time and can’t be rushed.
Autumn in New England is delightful and there will be a lot of things to enjoy over the next several weeks. What are your goals for the fall season? I would love to hear about them.
If you live in the New England area, consider joining me for a Goals Walk on October 2!
Email me at [email protected] or connect with me on Instagram at @drkimburns.
You can also sign up for my newsletter, Some Things to Think About. Have a great week!