Dr. Kim Burns

Celebrating International Coaching Week with Coaching Tools: The Career Wheel

consultant in higher education admin typing

Today’s tool is the Career Wheel. Similar to the Wheel of Life, it encourages reflection on different aspects of your career and asks you to assign a satisfaction score. The wheel addresses mission & purpose, sense of belonging, physical environment, autonomy, salary & benefits, professional growth, commute and opportunity to use skills and strengths. These […]

It’s International Coaching Week!

consulting core values in higher ed

International Coaching Week is a celebration of professional coaching. According to the International Coaching Federation, it was launched in 1999 and aims to educate the public about the value of working with a professional coach. It also acknowledges the results and progress made through the coaching process. This year’s theme is Reimagining the Future. If […]

The Benefits of Reflection

self aware consultant in higher ed

After working remotely since March 2020, Juniper Networks recently welcomed 600 employees back to their Westford office to begin a hybrid work schedule. I had the privilege of contributing to their Welcome Back Week activities with a Welcome Back Walk. The purpose of the walk was to reflect on the experience of working from home, […]

How I Use Laundry as a Parenting Tool

organizing clips in higher ed

I wrote this for my March newsletter and received such positive feedback that I thought I would share it here. What I say: Happy 15th Birthday! You are now responsible for your laundry.What I mean: My responsibility as your parent is to teach you how to be a productive member of society. Adulting is hard. […]

Six Book Recommendations for College Administrators

books for higher ed administration

I love to snuggle up with a book, a cup of tea, and a warm blanket. If you are looking for a work-related read, I recommend the following selections for their relevance to our current times. Colleges are experiencing high turnover in key positions If you (or if you are working with colleagues who) are […]

Brave & Bold Leadership Group Coaching Program

group of admin in higher ed

At one point while working from home at the height of the pandemic, I had an overflowing inbox, and a long task list, and for some reason every member of my family was in my home office needing something from me (including the dog). It was just too much. I was taking care of everyone […]

Enhance your leadership with journaling

consultant taking notes in higher ed

I used to co-facilitate a leadership development program for employees interested in professional growth. Before the program began, we gave participants a journal and asked them to read a Harvard Business Review article Want to Be an Outstanding Leader? Keep a Journal. Research demonstrates the power of journaling to level up your leadership Great leaders […]

The Struggle Is Real

stressed admin in higher ed

Women everywhere are struggling. You may have heard of the women in Boston who gathered for a collective primal scream. I get it. This sucks. Women faced gender-based barriers at work before the pandemic. Now, everything is just so much more difficult. I have such deep empathy for all women, especially for moms of young […]